SPECIAL UPDATE: A Big Thank You to ALL Of You

 When my dad and I were planning this trip back in May, we built the website that all of you come to in order to read these little blurbs about our adventures. We had to set a donation goal, and the first number I said out loud was five thousand dollars thinking that was a reasonable goal to have within two months. My dad interjected almost immediately with, "Are you kidding me? We can do better than that...let's do ten thousand!" 

 I thought he was crazy, but as of August 1, 2023, thanks to all of you (and one very generous anonymous donor who put us over the top), we did it!  

Ten thousand dollars for Fetal Surgery families! Are you kidding me? 61 different people donated!

All of you reading right now, whether you donated or not, were the ones that truly made this possible. If it weren't for the words of encouragement, wisdom and guidance, we would have more than likely not made it out of our home state. But all of you gave us a daily reminder as to why it is important we keep pushing forward day after day. So thank you for everything you've done and said over these past seven weeks. 

We're going to (hopefully) wrap up this "first half" of our journey next week in Tulsa, Oklahoma...over 1,600 miles.  We'll post a couple more of these updates before we're through, but we wanted to have this special update of thanks!!


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