Strangers Helping Strangers

“Are you guys killers?” the guy asked, though I suppose if we really WERE killers, we probably wouldn’t tell him, would we? Actually, we just needed to use a bathroom and there he was working in his yard and so…we asked. 

Something about being on this bike trip has made us lower our defenses and just ask complete strangers for help if we need help. Maybe it’s because so many complete strangers have been so kind and offered help BEFORE we’ve even asked…the woman pumping gas in Wellsburg, West Virginia who told us how to get around a trail closure, Tim McConnell further down the trail in Wheeling who advised us how to get over the closed suspension bridge, Dave at Quick Service Bike Shop in

Aetnaville, Ohio, who literally dropped what he was doing and fixed my derailleur, Robin at The Fat Apple Bakery in Bridgeport, Ohio, who started crying and gave us a donation when Tommy told her his story. And SO many people everywhere who slow down and ask us if we’re ok as we slowly push our bikes up yet another hill. 

All of these kindnesses give us the courage to ask guys like Ben Hill from Barnesville, Ohio, for help. Not only did he let us use his bathroom, he gave us cold water and he and Matt shared a laugh about being stuck with the name of somebody famous…we couldn’t decide whether it was worse to be confused with Matt Ryan the football player or Benny Hill the comedian, but at the end of the brief encounter, I think all three of us felt a lift in our spirits, a renewed faith in the goodness of people. 

As Ben said, “You could’ve asked pretty much anyone around here. These are good people out here.” Yes, Ben, you are…and if nothing else, this trip that has now taken us over 600 miles

and through 4 states has reminded us that the human spirit is alive and well…whether it’s family and friends back home reaching out or a complete stranger willing to trust another complete stranger.


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