Right Place, Right Time

If we had done the slightest bit of research (we didn’t), we would’ve learned that maybe passing through Ohiopyle, PA on the Great Allegheny Passage on the 4th of July weekend wasn’t the smartest move…apparently a huge family tourist spot on a normal summer weekend, Ohiopyle was JAM-PACKED as we wobbled our bikes  through at the end of 40 miles. We didn’t plow into anyone but there were some near misses, that’s for sure! And we won’t go into detail about how bad we are at camping…let’s just say we got the tent up and somehow got it back in the bag. Everything else was a comedy of errors of rain, dirt and beef jerky. 

But while we sometimes end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, we’ve also encountered so MANY MORE stunning examples of being lucky enough to be in the RIGHT place at the PERFECT moment. Take this hawk, for instance. It was an early rainy morning, no one else on that part of the trail but us. We came around a bend…and there he was, perched as if awaiting our arrival. We made so much noise screeching our bikes to a halt and fumbling for Tommy’s camera that any normal hawk would’ve startled and left. But this guy was waiting for his close-up! He stared patiently as Tommy focused in, turned his head left and right like a Hollywood star on the red carpet, then finally waved his wing “goodbye” and soared away! And later that same extraordinary day, we met Christine and Dan, the proprietors of Adele’s Bed and Breakfast in Smithton, PA. 

Not only were they beyond kind and hospitable, but like patient therapists they listened to all our gripes then told us a truth we’d somehow forgotten: don’t worry about the destination…just enjoy the journey!  

The Ryans attach a special significance to cardinals…ask and we’ll tell you if you like…and in so many of our most challenging moments along the way since we left the New Jersey beach, when we’d just about talked ourselves into heading home, we’d see a cardinal fly in front of us, land on a nearby branch and stare at us as if to say, “Aw quit your whining and keep pedaling!” We get daily reminders of “eyes” watching over us… and Dan and Christine were those “eyes” two days ago. It’s the 4th of July and we finally made it to Pittsburgh…with ALOT of help…so many reasons to celebrate!!!


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