We're Back!

We’re back!!! The time off helped recharge our batteries and got us back out of shape, but it was SO worth it to welcome our newest member of the family…Allison and Jon’s son Bennett Michael Font!!! 

Did we mention Pennsylvania’s a beautiful state? Well, we should know because today marked our EIGHTH day riding in it…certainly gives Tommy time to record the scenery! But the real story of today was Tommy’s sister, Kate…without her help, we simply never would’ve made the 40 miles from Wolfsburg to Somerset. 

Anyone who’s ever had a loved one at CHOP knows the importance of family…a word of support, an understanding hug, a shared experience of hope. Kate was ALL THAT today, and so are all the words of encouragement we’re getting from all over…phone calls, texts, posts on social media, donations. All the positive energy keeps us going (these mountains will end eventually, right? Ohio? We know you’re over there! Hopefully we’ll be there soon!)


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