Two Things Can Be True at the Same Time…

 We’ve made it to York, PA…almost halfway across this beautiful state and while it has sometimes been a little tiring (see Tommy sleeping in a parking space at a 7-11 in Bucktown), we feel very blessed to be on this trip together, especially since Father’s Day fell right in the middle of it! The 49 miles from  Manayunk to Narvon on Saturday took us along the flat, crowded Schuylkill River Trail to the DEFINITELY NOT FLAT stretch from Valley Forge to Churchtown. Sunday’s 47 miles to York reminded us that life is all about how you look at things: a frustrating wrong turn in New Holland led us to a coffee shop where a sweet couple asked our names so they could pray for us (maybe we looked like we needed help?); bicycles parked in a graveyard at first seemed like a bad omen, until we looked through the trees and saw the Mennonite church and parking lot full of horse-drawn carriages and realized everyone gets where they’re going their own way, don’t they?; and a bridge can either be a great place to take
a beautiful picture (thank you Tommy for the shot of the Susquehanna near Columbia) or a terror-filled mad dash where a delusional old guy can somehow convince himself that his bike is going to buck him over the railing into the water (did we mention someone on the trip doesn’t like heights?). A great weekend as Jill joined us and literally saved us like 50 times.  The mountains await!


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